TJTO'S outsourced employess receive trainig on solid waste in solidary selective collection workshop

The appropriate management of solid waste is part of the Sustainable Logistic Plan of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PLS-PJTO) and for the selective collection to be done in a satisfactory and responsible way, within a process of awareness and environmental education, the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Social-Environmental Management and Social Responsibility Coordination and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), continues to seek to qualify and train its staff, since they are responsible for the disposal and management of waste generated daily.

Following the Workshop on Solidary Selective Collection – Training on solid waste, which had the first class with magistrates and servers trained in March this year, this time, were the outsourced employees of the judiciary power of the State of Tocantins Who participated in the qualification course, which was given in the plenary of the TJTO, in Palmas, on Wednesday (November 17th) and Thursday (November 18th). In the next few days, the training will be held at the Palmas County Courthouse and at Esmat. The meetings are being held in the face-to-face modality and with due social distance.

The Judge Ângela Maria Ribeiro Prudente, who chairs the Managing Committee of PLS-PJTO, said that after the course and because of the experiences that are shared during the event, the servers will have the opportunity to look at the selective collection with other eyes, since this action reflects on the preservation of the planet. “After this exchange of experiences and reports, I am sure that your vision on the project of the Solidary Selective Collection, and its impact on the environment, will be different. The judiciary power of the State of Tocantins continues to promote good sustainable practices and it is necessary that you, Who already do a great job, are aligned with these actions. Sustainability implies on taking decisions and facing challenges that concern the future of our planet and the future of humanity, but for this, we all need to do our part”, commented the Judge.


The first day of the event was marked by lectures given by Adriana Tostes, who is the Social-Environmental Management coordinator of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFt), and Regiane Peixoto, nurse at the TJTO's Health Center. Adriana Tostes, during her presentation, talked about the sustainable experiences adopted by the TJDFt and how the participation of the servers that are part of the cleaning team in training events makes all the difference so that the actions aimed at selective collection are in fact implemented.

"Investing time in the training of servers, especially those who are in direct contact with the waste, generates a significant return for the actions directed towards the selective collection and thus the preservation of the environment. As far as I can see, TJTO has done well this role of training and adopting sustainable measures. It's a reflex that will be seen not only at the judiciary of the State of Tocantins buildings, but the servers will take it into their homes", said the coordinator, who also took the opportunity of the meeting to answer questions from the audience.


The nurse Regiane Peixoto, during her lecture, talked about the care that people still need to take regarding the infection by Covid-19, about the relevance of selective collection for people's lives and the environment, and about the importance of disposing of masks in the non-recyclable trash can and in a correct way, which is: cutting their straps, so that animals don't get stuck in them. 

"The pandemic is almost two years old and despite the low number of cases and deaths, thanks to vaccination, it is still a critical period and requires care, such as: use of mask, alcohol gel, and hand washing. As well as the care to avoid contagion from Covid-19, the world is also going through changes in the environmental sector, which may determine our future. The theme of the workshop is extremely relevant, because the waste generated daily must be disposed correctly. Sometimes, we know that this is not always possible, because there are places that still cannot have adequate treatment and do not have an education for selective collection and storage of waste. This will reflect directly on the environment and we are already suffering the consequences," said the nurse. Peixoto also pointed out that with the pandemic, many families are spending more time at home, which causes a greater amount of waste generated inside the homes, which makes it even more important to discuss such issues with society.

Second Day

On Thursday, the environmental engineer Cinthia Barbosa Pires Azevedo, who is part of TJTO's Social-Environmental Management and Social Responsibility Coordination, spoke about Conceptualization, Characterization and Classification of Solid Waste; minimization: non-generation, reduction, reuse and recycling; forms of treating solid waste: conventional technologies and clean technologies, incineration, composting, selective collection and recycling; and collection and management of organic waste - composting - how to prepare and how to store organic waste – container composting

“The workshop's main goal is to guide all the outsourced employees that make up the TJTO staff through environmental education, contributing to the good functioning of selective collection and consequently complying with the PLS actions", he pointed out.

The journalist Wherbert Araújo, who works at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, spoke in sequence and explained about Management and Integrated Management of Solid Waste. "The cycle of lectures aimed at magistrates, public servers and outsourced workers of the Court of Justice about the Solidary Selective Collection is, above all, a work of environmental education, paradigm breaking and implementation of attitudes that should be implemented not only in the work environment but also at home and in daily actions. Valuing the work of the collectors of recyclable materials as well as understanding about waste separation and sustainable attitudes should be the rules of attitude and conduct that we must all live by from now on", he concluded.

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