Judiciary of the state of Tocantins holds II Seminar in clebration of the international day of people with disabilities

With the proposal of promoting citizenship and dignity for the full and effective inclusion of people with disabilities, promoting accessibility and the enforcement of the new Resolution No. 401 of the National Council of Justice, which provides support to people with disabilities, the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, by means of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins for the Judiciary, will hold, on December 3rd, the II Seminar in Commemoration of the International Day for People with Disabilities.

A thousand vacancies are being offered to magistrates and employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and to the community in general. Registrations will be made through the Virtual Academic Secretary (VAS). Those interested in participating in the event have until December 2nd, 2021 to register. With a 5-hour classload, themes will be presented, such as: Accessibility, Inclusion and Breaking Barriers: an empathic vision; Functional Accessibility and Presentation of the results of CPAI/TJTO - 2021.

Click here  to access the Programming.

To register, click here.

To access the Notice, click here.


About the lecturers:

Elbia Rosane Araújo

Judge of the 2nd Court of the Special Courts System of the city of Camaçari. Specialist in Criminal Sciences at Unifacs. Lato Sensu post-graduate degree from the School of the Judges of the State of Bahia. Former President of the Association of the Judges of the State of Bahia. Director of the Brazilian Association of Magistrates (AMB), in the portfolio of Institutional Policy and Support for Magistrates with Disabilities or Dependents in this condition. Member of the Working Group at the National Council of Justice on Resolution No. 343 of 2020, which established special working conditions for magistrates with disabilities, special needs, serious illnesses, or who have dependents in the same condition. Member of the Working Group at the National Council of Justice, which formulated Resolution No. 425, 2021, on the National Policy for Attention to People living on the streets and its intersectionalities. Member of the Work Group that formulated Recommendation No. 101 of the National Council of Justice, 2021, which deals with the Digitally Excluded. Member of the Commission of the National Council of Justice, relative to Resolution No. 369, 2021. Member of the Commission of Accessibility and Inclusion of the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia. Member of the International Organization New Acropolis - School of Philosophy in the Classical Way Member of the International Organization New Acropolis - School of Philosophy in the Classical Way.

Giselle Hübbe

Visually impaired person, Miss Blind Brazil 2011. Graduated in Public Management. Post-Graduating in Public Projects and Municipalism. Member of the Brazilian Movement of Blind and Low Vision Women, activist for the cause of the person with disability.

Manuel de Faria Reis Neto

Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of the State of Goiás, 2004. Post-graduate degree in Civil Procedural Law from Damásio Educational, 2004. He is currently a law Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins. He was the titular Judge of the City of Palmeirópolis-TO, 2008-2013. He was the titular Judge of the Criminal Court of the District of Dianópolis-TO, 2014-2019. He is the titular Judge of the 1st Civil Court of the District of Guaraí-TO, 2019 - currently). He is a Judge of the Support Center for Counties (NACOM), from 2013 - currently. He answered as a Judge in the 1st Court of the Public Treasury, 2016-2018. He is a master, by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, 2015-2017. He was a lecturer in the IV Academic Week of the Southeast Campus, in Dianópolis, of the State University of the State of  Tocantins, with the theme Administrative Improbity, 2017. He was a lecturer at the Good Practices in Judicial Management  Workshop of the Superior School of the Judges, 2018. He was a lecturer at the I Southeast Legal, held by the State University of the State of Tocantins, with the Health and Judicialization theme, 2008. He is a postgraduate student, at the Superior School of the Judges, in Rule of Law and Fighting Corruption - Class II -, 2018-2019. Assistant Judge of the Presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins. 

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