Registrations open for the I Seminar on Ownership, property and lad regularization in the state of Tocantins

Aiming to train professional magistrates and public servers who work in the area, students of the theme and the community in general about legal issues involving urban and rural land regularization, the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the Superior School of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), will hold, on December 3rd, the 1st Seminar on Possession, Property and Land Regularization in the State of Tocantins. The event is aimed at Judges, magistrates and employees Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and the community in general. 

A thousand vacancies are being offered. Among the objectives of the Seminar are: Analyze the environmental issues related to land regularization; Present the environmental norms applicable to the land regularization processes; Identify in which situations and under which conditions it will be possible to regularize properties located in environmentally protected areas; Debate judicial decisions and experiences of land regularization for a better understanding of the legal norms and practices that must be adopted.

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About the lecturers:

Océlio Nobre da Silva

Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins. Professional Experience: Acted as a professor at the College of Higher Education of the city of Colinas of Tocantins (FIESC), 2005-2006. Professor at the University Center Presidente Antônio Carlos of the State of Tocantins (ITPAC), 2006-2006. He is currently a professor at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).

Tiago Machado Burtet

Graduated in Legal and Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, 1999. Postgraduate specialization in Notarial and Registral Law, from the University of Rio dos Sinos, 2002; in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law, from the Integrated Regional University of High Uruguay and Missions (URI) - Erechim-RS Campus, 2009; and in Public Law - New Trends in the Face of Constitutionalization of Law, from the same University, 2012. Holds the delegation of the 26th Notarial Office of the Judicial District of Rio de Janeiro-RJ (art. 236 of the Federal Constitution). 

Vinícius Salomão de Aquino

Chief Advisor of the Normatization Advisory of the General Secretariat of the Federal State Prosecution (MPF). Professor and Master in Economic Law (PPGCJ-UFPB). Specialist in Civil-Constitutional Law (ESMA-UFPB).

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