Judicial activism, the fight against absolute poverty and the tireless struggle for the promotion of human rigths are the themes of the third day of the XIII International Congress on human rights

The fight for human dignity in any circumstances, even for those deprived of freedom, the effort to maintain democracy and, in the country’s current situation, food insecurity and the uncomfortable absolute misery of millions of Brazilians, but also the activism of the Judiciary in current moments where hunger causes not only discomfort, but also desperation, were the themes debated on the third day of the 13th International Congress on Human Rights.

The event, organized by the Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH - UFT) and the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), also counts this year with the partnership of UniCEUB, Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judges (COPEDEM) and PUC-RIO. With the theme "Democracy, Criminal Policy and Human Rights", the first round table of the day had the presence of the Doctor Professor Gabriel Ignacio Anitua (iñaki Anitua) - (UBA-ARGENTINA) and the Doctor Professor Bruno Amaral Machado (UNICEUB - BRAZIL), under the mediation of the Doctor Professor Aloísio Bolwerk (PPGPJDH).

The second theme, "Judicial Activism and the Realization of Human Rights", was mediated by Professor Tarsis Barreto Oliveira (PPGPJDH) and had as lecturers Professor Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares (FBA - BRAZIL) and Professor Cleide Calgaro (UCS - BRAZIL).

With hundreds of participants, the program of the XIII International Congress on Human Rights extends until October 25th. Remember that all the activities take place, during this period, from 9am to 12pm.


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