XIII International Congress on human rights debated inalienable human rights, global warming, environmental vulnerability among other topics

With the participation of about a thousand people from all over the country and from foreign countries, the Thirteenth edition of the International Congress on Human Rights brought together academic authorities from various parts of the world, who presented themes that dealt with the guarantee of human dignity for better living conditions, all aligned in the same ideal: reinventing our presence on the planet, post-pandemic.

Discussing difficult and current issues, such as food insecurity, environmental vulnerability, judicial activism, freedom of expression and the necessary role of the judiciary in the preservation and promotion of life, this edition once again demonstrated the responsibility, individual and collective, for attitudes that will ensure a dignified existence for every human being. Scheduled for 2022, the next edition of the Congress may take place in person, hybrid or, once again, virtually, depending on the contagion and immunization levels resulting from the pandemic.

With "The Union of the People for the Inalienable Rights of the Human Being" theme, the Event counted with the participation of renowned lecturers from Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Spain, Argentina, Peru, and Singapore. In this edition, the honored one, in memoriam, was Marshal Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, a Brazilian military and sertanist, creator of the Xingu National Park and director of the Indian Protection Service. Organized by the Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH - UFT) and the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), this year the XIII International Congress on Human Rights also had the partnership of UniCEUB, the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judges (COPEDEM) and PUC-RIO.

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