III Citizenship seminar of the state of Tocantins discusses advances in education in times of pandemic, restorative justice, conscious voting and other current themes

The third edition of the Citizenship Seminar of the State of Tocantins, promoted by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Citizenship Coordination and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), debated several current topics such as protection to women victims of violence, Restaorative Justice, technological advances and adaptations of Education in times of pandemic, conflict management and electoral citizenship, among others.

At the opening, the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Judge João Rigo Guimarães reminded the importance of holding the Seminar reinforcing that in the virtual modality the public can be diversified. “It is very important to hold these debates because they have a very large scope, a little more extensive than in the face-to-face environment. I am very happy to be opening this third seminar under the direction of Judge Etelvina Sampaio and coordination of the Doctor Aline Bailão.”, he stated. 

For the Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, Chief Justice of the State of Tocantins, the proposal of the III Seminar is to open space for dialogue about the formative processes, of construction and development of citizenship and human sociability, centered on Fundamental Human Rights, from educational relations and a conscious Professional action. “In this sense, I bring to reflection the important role of education as a suitable way to build alternatives and possibilities for a fairer and humane society, in the words of the Patron of Brazilian Education, Paulo Freire: “Education does not change the world. Education changes people. People transform the world,” he stated.

For the Coordinator of the Citizenship Coordination, Judge Aline Bailão Iglesias, events like the III Citizenship Seminar reinforce the dialogue between all institutions that promote the guarantee of Human Rights. “Both institutions are interlinked, working together and in parallel with several citizenship and social projects, and we need these seminars, these events to disseminate the importance of working on citizenship within the Judiciary as well,” she said.

Counting on the lecturers Adhemar Chúfalo; Adonias Barbosa da Silva; Katia Ethiénne Esteves dos Santos; Maria Gabriela Prado Manssur; Zita Ana Lago Rodrigues; Marcelo Nalesso Salmaso; Angela Issa Haonat and Sami Storch, under the mediation of the professors and magistrates Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, Patrícia Medina (UFT), Judge Ângela Prudente, Judge Eurípedes Lamounier, Judge Julianne Freire Marques, Judge Jean Fernandes Barbosa de Castro, and Judge Gilson Coelho Valadares.

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