XIII International Congress on Human rights debates, in its first day post-truth, facing the pandemic and human rights in the prision system

The adaptations of humanity facing the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, the follow-up of academic training and scientific research were the themes debated on the first day of the XIII International Congress on Human Rights. The event is organized by the Master’s Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights. The event is organized by the Master’s Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH – UFT), a partnership between the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and, this year, also counts on the partnership of UniCEUB, Permanent College of Directors of the State Schools of Judges and PUC-Rio.

With The Union of People for the Inalienable Rights of the Human Being, the Event counts with the participation of renowed lecturers from Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Spain, Argentina, Peru and Singapore. In this edition, the honored one, inmemoriam, is Marshal Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon, a Brazilian military officer and rancher, creator of the Xingu National Park and director of the Indian Protection Service.

At the opening ceremony, Justice Marco Villas Boas, Esmat’s General Director and Copedem’s president, pointed out that this is the second consecutive year of  100% virtual, due to the sanitary restrinctions. “This year we were concerned about the situation brought about by the pandemic, caused in the great human family that was attacked in several ways, not only by catastrophic situations, but also by the lack of preparation of several authorities of the Planet for something so unusual that was already prophesied by scholars. However, we could not imagine that so many hospitalizations and deaths would generate such a deep impact, instigating us to investigate all the strategies of human coexistence”, he said.

Doctor Professor Luís Eduardo Bovolato, rector of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), said that this University went through structural adaptation challenges in remote teaching, due to the emergency context experienced between 2020 and 2021, resulting from the pandemic. To find resilience and facing mechanisms for possible future scenarios, the rector stressed that training the University’s professors for the new format was and is primordial. “We need to prepare our teachers for the new format and rethink the way we deal with the situation in the teaching-learning process”, he recalled.

The first Day of the Congress at the Institutional Table – Brazil – counted with the presence of the Doctor Liziane Paixão Silva Oliveira (UniCEUB); the Doctor Professor  Francisco de Guimaraens (PUC-Rio), mediated by the Doctor Professor Gustavo Paschoal, coordinator of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation course (PPGPJDH).

With the Means of Defense theme for the prisoner in the current Human Rights system, the first international lecture of the Congress was given by the Professor Digna Milagros Atencio Bonilla, from Panamá. Next, the launching of the DINTER PUC-Rio/ESMAT academic article collections took place. The organizers were Associate Justice Marco Villas Boas, PhD (PUC-RIO); Doctor Professor Gisele Guimarães Cittadino (PUC-Rio); and Doctor Professor Tarsis Barreto (PPGPJDH – UFT).

The Programming of the XIII International Congress on Human Rights returns to activities next Monday (18th), from 9 am, Brasília time.

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