First Panel on the General Law of Data Protection - Trends and Challenges - discusses the use of personal data, impacts on E-Commerce, among other topics

The First Panel of the cycle of discussions on the General Law of Data Protection - Trends and Challenges - discussed the use and personal data in the activities of the Judiciary, legal data treatment, impacts on E-Commerce were the themes of the first morning of the event promoted by the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Judges (COPEDEM) in partnership with the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB), the National School of the Judges (ENM) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). Two other panels will take place on May 21st and 24th.

At the opening of the event, Justice Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem, recalled that the arrival of the Internet brought a new way of sharing private data, generating uncertainties about the transmission of personal data. On the occasion, the Judge stressed the importance of the discussion of the LGPD in the Judiciary. "The Internet Event has potentiated the use of human data for the exercise of biopower, of biopolitics, which has left man even more fragile in a very shaky and uncertain environment in which his dignity is put at risk," he said. The first of the panels had the mediator Judge Caetano Levi Lopes, president of the National School of the Judges (ENM), who stressed the importance of the cycle of panels on the LGPD. "We really live in a time when communications are very fast, and data transit on global networks at the speed of light. That is the very need for the state to regulate this, not by imposing limits, but by doing the regulation. It is utopian to think that the state will limit the traffic of this data. But the regulation is necessary for us to have guarantees and to be protected with our consent or authorization from the Law", he affirmed.

The first part of the day was attended by Minister Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, from the Superior Court of Justice, with the theme The Impact of LGPD on the activities of the Judiciary. Then, Professor Laura Schertel Mendes spoke about the Architecture of the LGPD; Concepts of personal data and sensitive data. Afterwards, the director Luís Ricardo Marcondes Martins, president of the Brazilian Association of Closed Complementary Pension Funds (ABRAPP), presented the lecture Sectorial Perspective: LGPD; General principles and application in the scope of closed Complementary Pension Funds entities.

The second half of the panel was mediated by Renata Gil, president of AMB. In her speech, the magistrate highlighted the importance of discussing and understanding the Law in all its specificities. "We first need to understand that this data protection came to us in a normative way, and not as a preliminary education utility in the use of data and in a movement that is a wave that swallows us, because the use of data, much by the use of social networks, has become a no man's land. So it's not a question of mistrust, but of ignorance, and by rule of transparency, we need to be aware of all this," she said.

Restarting the presentations, the Master Professor Diego Machado (UFV) spoke about Concepts of anonymized personal data in the LGPD. Concept of Pseudonymization and anonymous information in the RGPD. Next, the Attorney Vanessa Araújo Lopes Butalla, Legal Director at Serasa Experian, presented the topic Sectoral Perspective. Relevant Aspects on Legal Basis for Personal Data Processing. Following up and ending the first cycle of lectures, Dr. Humberto Chiesi Filho, legal director of “Mercado Livre”, spoke about Sectorial Perspective. LGPD and the impact on E-Commerce. The solemnity of the day was closed by Judge Caetano Levi Lopes, who thanked those present and invited for the next panel, to be held on May 21st, at 9 am.

Organized by the Center for Legal Memory (MEMORY), the event takes place in the form of explanatory panels and will feature various authorities from the legal world, including the president of Copedem, Judge Marco Villas Boas, from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins; Minister João Otavio de Noronha, from the Superior Court of Justice; Minister Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, from the Superior Court of Justice; Minister Paulo de Tarso Vieira Sanseverino, from the Superior Court of Justice, and others.

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