Esmat Takes Exhibitor Training For Workshops On Parenting And Divorce To The Cities Of Gurupi, Porto Nacional And Araguaína

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), in partnership with the Permanent Center for Consensual Methods of Conflict Resolution (Nupemec), will develop the Exhibitors Training for Workshops on Parenting and Divorce, an initiative aimed at training professionals to conduct these workshops, which are part of the public policy of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) for the prevention and resolution of family conflicts.

The course, coordinated by Judge Silvana Maria Parfieniuk, will be offered at the centers of Gurupi, Porto Nacional and Araguaína, with face-to-face classes and a total workload of 40 hours, divided into two stages: theoretical and practical. The training aims to train judges, civil servers, prosecutors, public defenders, lawyers, conciliators, mediators, psychologists, social workers, pedagogues and guardianship counselors to act as workshops exhibitors.

Realization period

  • Gurupi: February 19th to October 31st 
  • Porto Nacional: February 24th to October 31st 
  • Araguaína: March 19th to October 31st

Registrations will be made by appointment of the coordinating judge of the Cejuscs of the participating centers or by the Nupemec Coordination Office.

The Workshop on Parenting and Divorce is an initiative that aims to promote a culture of peace within the Judiciary, helping parents and guardians to resolve family conflicts in a more humanized way, seeking to reduce the impact of divorce and separation on children.

NOTICE nº 07, of 2025 

Rectification — NOTICE nº 13, of 2025

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