Esmat Will Offer Course With Focus On Integral Protection And Methodologies For Acting With Childhood And Youth

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will hold, from September 17th  to November 18th, the course on "Protective Measures: Integral Protection, Methodologies, Challenges and Guarantee of Rights". With a class load of 80 hours and offered in the mode of Distance Learning (EAD), the training will address theoretical and legal aspects, as well as working methodologies to act in the field of Childhood and Youth, violation of rights and protection of fundamental rights.

The course aims to train, specifically, servers and professionals graduated in Psychology, Social Service and Pedagogy, who work in the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM) of the Judicial Power of the State of Tocantins, with performance in the Program on Institutional and family care, sponsorship, new paths, for the development of theoretical, legal appropriation, methodological and operating parameters in the field of Childhood and Youth, violation of fundamental rights and rights, within the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).

Applications will be open from September 5th to 12th and they will be made by appointment via specific SEI process, and subsequently validated by the Academic Secretariat of Esmat.

Check out the Notice for more information.

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