Mediation And Conciliation: Students Apply Knowledge In Supervised Internship

The students who completed the theoretical stage of the course on Mediation and Conciliation, held between May of 2023 and June of 2024, under the coordination, execution and certification of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), are now moving on to the practical stage. In partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), the CNJ will promote the supervised Mediation and Conciliation internship from August 30th to December 13th.

The aim of the initiative is to provide students with practical experience in the field of mediation and conciliation, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in real situations of conflict resolution in the context of the judicial system.

With a total workload of 60 hours, the internship will be carried out remotely, through the Virtual Platform of Cejusc. A total of twenty-five students will take part in the activity, divided between four supervisors: Beatriz Alves da Luz, Daniela Guimarães Sales, Lorena da Cruz Neves Pimenta Gutierrez and Hellen Cristini da Silva Leme.

For more information on the schedule of activities and the Cvs of the supervisors, see the full Notice here.

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