Cnj Opens Registrations For The 5th Cycle Of The Seeu Training Courses

Between September 10th and 18th, the National Council of Justice (CNJ) is promoting the 5th Training Cycle on the Unified Electronic Enforcement System (SEEU). Among the new features of this edition are an opening webinar, broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the CNJ, two introductory courses for those just starting to operate the system and another on the impacts of the new BNMP 3.0.

There are 10 different classes, specific to each target audience (Judges, civil servers from the Judiciary or the Prison Administration, members of the State Prosecution and the Public Defender's Office) and with several themes. The courses are free, completely online and offer a certificate. Find out about all the classes, topics and timetables and register.

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Used in 36 courts, SEEU is used to manage around 1.5 million criminal execution cases in the country. Among its main features are the issuing of automatic alerts to execution Judges about benefits that are about to expire and the production of statistical reports showing the situation of the imprisoned person. It also has modules to deal with specific issues such as emitting documents to prisoners, alternative sentences and cases relating to the mental health of them.

“The SEEU is already established as one of the Judiciary's most robust technologies, and its evolution and gain in importance since it was instituted by CNJ Resolution 223/2016 is remarkable. The trainings are a strategy to qualify the performance of all those who operate the system, while at the same time providing an exchange of experiences and active listening that drives us to understand and improve this tool even more,” says the coordinator of the Department for Monitoring and Inspection of the Prison System and the System for the Execution of Socio-Educational Measures (DMF), Luís Lanfredi. “It's not just the judiciary and legal practitioners who win, but the entire population, which benefits from more effective and swifter justice.”

The process of integrating and improving the SEEU, as well as the training cycles for operating the system, are part of the activities of the Making Justice program, run by the CNJ in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the National Secretariat for Penal Policy (SENAPPEN) of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, to accelerate transformations in the field of deprivation of liberty, taking into account the different phases of the penal cycle and the socio-educational cycle.

“In addition to encompass a significant number of cases, the SEEU is a system that is in the lives and daily lives of a large number of users, who are fundamental to the proper use of the tool. That's why the policy of continuous training is essential and has brought excellent results, with 29,000 people trained in the first four editions,” says João Felipe Menezes Lopes, assistant Judge of the Presidency of the CNJ working at the DMF.

Opening of the event

With the aim of broadening the debate on fundamental issues for the functioning of the SEEU, the 5th Cycle will begin with a lecture open to the general public, on the 10th at 9:30 a.m., broadcast live on the YouTube Channel of the CNJ. It is also possible to participate via the Zoom platform, which allows you to ask questions and receive a certificate.

The event will discuss topics such as the importance of properly filling out the SEEU, the quality of data in the development of judicial policies and the need for a qualified look at populations with increased vulnerabilities in the context of criminal execution. The panelists will be Marcelo Dalla Dea, Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Paraná, and Melina Machado Miranda, head of the Institutional Support Section of the Department for Monitoring and Inspection of the Prison System and the System for the Execution of Socio-Educational Measures of the CNJ.


About the courses

The 5th Cycle of Training on the SEEU maintains the structure of previous editions, with two stages of training. The first phase is the Reinforcement phase, with content aimed at specific audiences such as magistrates, judicial staff, public defenders and prison administration staff.

To meet a demand identified in previous editions, two introductory courses were created, aimed at civil servers who are having their first contact with the penal system, on the topics of Notions of Penal Execution and Basic Concepts about the SEEU.

The second phase, of Update, is aimed at magistrates and their assistants who already use SEEU in their day-to-day work. These are courses designed to give them a deeper understanding of the system and its new functions. One highlight is the Secretariat Routines course, which will deal with the new features brought about by the implementation of the BNMP 3.0. There are also courses on the penal alternatives module, registering people in the system, the SEEU calculator and court management, which will cover the criteria of the Quality Award of the CNJ.

Access the content

The training content repository of the SEEU, launched in May, has more than 100 files available for free, including technical manuals, handouts, technical reference documents for system integrations, judicial references and explanatory videos.

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