Cnj Promotes National Training On The Bnmp 3.0 To Modernize Information Management In The Judiciary

From September 2nd to 6th, the National Council of Justice (CNJ) will conduct the National Training on the National Bank for Criminal Measures and Prisons (BNMP 3.0). The event, totally online and free of charge, is aimed at Judges, servers of the Judiciary, the State Prosecution and public security agencies.

The objective is to prepare system operators to use the new functionalities of the new tool, essential for recording and managing information about arrested people throughout Brazil. Those interested in participating will be able to follow the classes via Microsoft Teams, there is no need for prior registration and certificates will be emitted.

The coordinator of the Department of Monitoring and Supervision of the Prison System and the System for the Execution of Socio-Educational Measures (DMF/ CNJ), Luís Lanfredi, highlights the importance of the training to ensure sustainability and the best use of the tool. 

"The BNMP 3.0 is a mark in the management of information on the prison population, the result of an effort by the CNJ to develop national and integrated platforms so that there is, in a single system, robust and reliable data on people who go through the criminal cycle. Training the operators of these systems is to ensure that the maximum potential of the tool is extracted, making it an instrument in favor of efficiency and transparency of information on the prison system".

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to learn in detail about the new features of version 3.0 of the system, which include improvements in document dispatch, data management obtained from custody hearings, consultation of procedural situation and communication of occurrences to the Judiciary.

For the assistant Judge of the presidency of the CNJ with work in the DMF, João Felipe Menezes Lopes, the training "demonstrates the commitment of the CNJ to provide all the necessary instructions so that the BNMP 3.0 is used effectively and safely. The system is a technological evolution that has a positive impact on the administration of criminal justice in Brazil, and it is essential that everyone be prepared to use it on a daily basis", he says.

The modules were developed considering the specific needs of each target audience, with thematic classes, considering the different profiles of access to the system: server of the judiciary; magistrates; Public Defender’s Office and State Prosecution; and public security agencies. The meetings will take place on different dates and shifts (morning/ afternoon), in order to allow greater participation of those interested. The course is promoted by the CNJ through the programs Making Justice and Justice 4.0 and in partnership with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

the meetings can be followed on the links:

September 2nd - Judicial Server - Prison and Custody Hearing
Class 1 – 9 am to 12 pm -
Class 2 – 2 to 5 pm -


September 3rd - Server of the Judiciary - Document Dispatch and Management
Class 1 – 9 am to 12 pm
Class 2 – 2 to 5 pm


September 4th - Magistrates - Management and Signing of Parts
Class 1 – 9 am to 12 pm 
Class 2 – 2 to 5 pm 


September 5th - MP and DP - Consultation of the Person/ Documents and Situation

• Class 1 – 9 am to 12 pm 
Class 2 – 2 to 5 pm 


September 6th - Public Law Enforcement Bodies - Consultation and Communication of Occurrences to the Judiciary
Class 1 – 9 am to 12 pm
Class 2 – 2 to 5 pm


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