Course Focused On The Principles Of Educajus Begins At Esmat

The course on “Educajus: Justice and School at the Service of Citizenship”, aimed at magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who act as coordinators of Cejuscs, civil servers of the Cejuscs in the districts of Novo Acordo, Guaraí, Pedro Afonso, Colinas do Tocantins, Porto Nacional and Paraíso do Tocantins, and from Nupemec, as well as from the schools in those districts and the Multidisciplinary Team Management Group, held their first meeting at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) on Friday (August 23rd).

The first module, entitled “Nonviolent Communication (NVC)”, is being taught by facilitators Rodrigo Alves Barcellos and Sandra Letícia Thomazi Bordin. The aim is to enable participants to understand and apply the principles of Educajus, using accessible and motivating language, promoting full citizenship in the schools that are part of the program.

Foto: Ednan Cavalcanti

The training began in the morning with a discussion of the theme on “Assumptions of Nonviolent Communication”. In the afternoon, the training continued with the theme on “The Two Parts of the CNV”. With a workload of 28 hours, the training is divided into two modules and it continues until September 20th.

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