The Justice 4.0 Program has opened pre-registration for the course on Angular FRAMEWORK, aimed at professionals in the Judiciary. Interested people can sign up using the form until August 11th. A total of 250 places are available. The training, which will be carried out through the Moodle virtual environment, has a workload of 40 hours - 24 of which are synchronous (live immersion classes and practical classes) and 16 asynchronous, in which the trainee can carry out the activities according to their own availability. The course lasts nine weeks, starting on September 2nd and ending on November 3rd.
Angular is an open source Javascript FRAMEWORK. It is used to build web applications based on a single dynamic page. Developers also use this tool to create animated MENUS for HTML-based web pages. An advanced level of Java programming is required to follow the lessons.
The selection of participants will follow the technical criteria provided in the FAQ. The shortlist will be published by August 16th on the page of the course.
The training will later be adapted for self-instruction on the distance education platform of the CNJ, Ceajud.
About the curse
The course will be taught by Bruno Batista, who has a master's degree and is studying for a PhD in Computer Science at the State University of Ceará (UECE). Bruno is also a lecturer at the University of the city of Fortaleza (Unifor) and a researcher at the Laboratory of Communication and Security Networks (Larces). He has experience in the areas of SDN, OpenFlow, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Network Management and Optical Networks.
The aim of the training is to enable participants to develop and maintain SOFTWARE solutions using the Angular framework, enabling them to support the implementation and use of the Digital Platform of the Judiciary (PDPJ-Br) in the courts where they work. Among the concepts that will be covered are: preparing the environment from scratch for web application development, Fullstack development with Angular and Spring Boot, good practices and Clean Code, creating flexible, extensible and testable solutions, and developing APIs with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Database.
Check out all the details about Automated Testing training in the course sheet.
Java training for the PDPJ-Br
The schedule and details of each course are described on the training page. Justice 4.0 has an E-MAIL
The Justice 4.0 Program offers Java courses aimed at technical training in the use of the Digital Platform of the Judiciary (PDPJ-Br). The aim is to promote the training and professional development of civil servers of the Judicial Branch in order to disseminate the platform. Find out more about the initiative by watching the Webinar Launching Java Training for the PDPJ-Br.
Justice 4.0 Program
Launched in 2020, the Justice 4.0 Program is the result of a cooperation agreement signed between the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), with the support of the Federal Justice Council (CJF), Superior Court of Justice (STJ), Superior Labor Court (TST), Superior Labor Justice Council (CSJT) and Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Its aim is to develop and improve technological solutions to make the services offered by the Brazilian justice system more efficient, effective and accessible to the population, as well as optimizing procedural management for Judges, civil servers, lawyers and other players in the justice system.