Civil Servers And Trainees Of Esmat Take Part In Course On Institutional Strategy

The month of June comes to a close for the civil servers and trainees of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) with the conclusion of the course on "Getting to know Esmat and its Institutional Strategy". With a workload of 20 hours, the training began on June 11th and it is aimed to involve those registered in the implementation of the institutional strategy of Esmat, enabling the achievement of objectives and the formulation of new institutional strategies.

Responsible for maintaining and implementing the Quality Management System certified to the NBR ISO 9001:2015, drawing up and implementing the Strategic Plan and other activities in the administrative area, facilitator Vinícius Fernandes Barboza explains that the course is a way of providing civil servers and trainees with knowledge about planning teaching activities, the importance of teamwork and preparation for the Quality Management System audits that will take place in August. 

"The course on Getting to Know Esmat and its Institutional Strategy aims to provide a better understanding of strategic and quality objectives and goals, so that everyone can feel part of the institutional strategy," he said.

In addition, he emphasized that the training "causes processes, procedures and regulations to be reviewed in order to promote educational activities with the best possible quality, meeting the mission of Esmat of training and perfecting magistrates and civil servers in the pursuit of good practices and excellence in the provision of justice".

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