Practical Course On Linked Accounts Based On The Law 14.133 Of 2021 Will Be Held In April

Between April 16th and 18th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will hold the course on "Linked Accounts based on the Law No. 14.133, of 2021 - Practical Approach". Aimed at a specific audience, registrations for this training will be made by appointment, in the SEI Process No. 24.0.000004909-0. The classes will be given by Accountant and Lawyer Flaviana Vieira Paim, in person.

The aim of the course is to provide participants with all the preparation they need to implement and operate the Linked Account procedure, as a crucial risk management tool in public contracts for ongoing services involving exclusively labor. It will be a practical and objective approach, with examples, calculations and document analysis, as well as suggestions for control forms and individualized monitoring spreadsheets for each contractor, with the aim of ensuring safety and efficiency.

For more details, access the Notice clicking here.

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