Esmat Will Hold Course Focusing On Cost Spreadsheet And Price Formation

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will promote the course on "Cost Spreadsheet and Price Formation according to the IN Seges/ME No. 05/2017/No. 98/2022, the Labor Reform (updated by IN SEGES/MP No. 07/2018) and the New Law No. 14.133, of 2021", from April 9th to 11th. The activities will take place in person and they will be led by facilitator Silvio César da Silva Lima.

The aim of the training is to guide participants through the main aspects of administrative contracts and to present in detail the new structure and modules of the cost spreadsheet and price formation, in accordance with the mentioned regulations. This will broaden the understanding of the specificities of labor law related to the relationship between companies and the Public Administration, with a view to avoid the subsidiary liability of the Administration in contractual relationships with outsourced companies, through the use of the linked account or the triggering event.

Aimed at civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, registrations will be made by appointment, in the SEI Process 24.0.000004907-3.

For more details on the number of vacancies, content and class schedule, click here.

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