Esmat Will Hold Simplestoc Course: Training For Plain Language Agents

From February 26th to March 26th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins will hold a training course in Simple Language for magistrates, civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and members of the SimplesTOC Program Working Group. Registrations are made by indication of the respective head and must be sent in a single document, with the indications and/or invitations, via the SEI Electronic Information System No. 24.0.000002088-1, to be carried out by the Virtual Academic Secretariat.

The course will last 36 hours and it will take place in hybrid mode, with classes at Esmat and individualized mentoring via Google Meet. The training will be given by facilitators Claudia Cappelli, Joseane Aparecida and Marcia Ditzel.

Click here for more information.

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