Judges and civil servers from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) who took part in Classes I, II and III of the course on The New Judicial Frontier: Understanding the Generative AI and ChatGPT and are interested in taking part in Stage 2 of the training can sign up for one of the three available classes.
The activities will be held in person at Esmat on December 4th and 5th. Classes I (morning) and II (afternoon) will be held on December 4th and Class III (morning) on December 5th. Please note that students who register without having taken the previous course will have their registration automatically canceled by the Academic Secretariat.
Professors Ana Carla Bliacheriene and Luciano Vieira de Araújo will once again lead the training sessions. For more information on the number of vacancies, content and timetable, click here.
Registrations for Class I, click here.
Registrations for Class II, click here.
Registrations for Class III, click here.