Servers of Extrajudicial Offices interested in taking part in Class I of the Eproc 2023 course: compliance with acts of procedural communication and provision of a room for hearings and witness interviews by notary services can register by clicking here. The training, for the first class, will take place on November 20th, in person, at the premises of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).
For class II, the activities will take place on November 21st. Registration for the second class can be made at clicking here.
The action aims to train those responsible for extrajudicial services to understand the concepts and practices related to the fulfillment of acts and procedural communication ranging from registration regularity, adherence, system handling and accountability, so that they can carry out their professional activities safely and efficiently, promoting knowledge for the fulfillment of acts of procedural communication in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.
For more information on the number of vacancies, the program content and which facilitators will lead the activities, click here (Notice Class I) and here (Notice Class II).
Obs. Registration for Class I closes on November 16th, and for Class II on November 17th.