The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) started, this Thursday morning (August 3rd), the activities of the course on Decision Making and Technology. The training, accredited by the National School for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM), promises to bring fundamental INSIGHTS on brain-machine interfaces, artificial intelligence and its relationship with neurolaw. The first module of the course, entitled "From neuroscience to neurolaw", is attended by Professor Rosivaldo Toscano dos Santos Júnior, PhD in Law.
Aimed at magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and other States, the course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the discoveries and proposals of neuroscience, exploring the implications for decision-making in the legal sphere. With a workload of 40 hours and in the face-to-face modality, the training takes place at Esmat.
Next Modules of the Course
The course will feature four more modules that promise to further deepen the discussion on the interaction between technology, artificial intelligence and decision-making in the legal field. Module II is scheduled for August 17th and 18th and it will be attended by Professor and Postdoctoral Léo Peruzzo Júnior. At this stage, the applications and impacts of artificial intelligence in the decision-making scenario will be addressed.