The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will be promoting the course on "Ethics in Research and Elaboration of Projects on the Brazil Plataform", with the objective of training students and researchers on the use of the Brazil Plataform and the development of research projects in accordance with the resolutions of the National Health Council that regulate research with human beings in Brazil.
Registrations for the course continue until May 26th. Fifty vacancies will be offered to servers, Judges, students, professors and researchers linked to the Esmat Research Programs. The course will have a certification workload of 24 hours and it will be held as Distance Education (DELE) through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE-Esmat) and the GOOGLE MEET platform.
You can register, clicking here.
For those who do not fit the defined target audience, but are interested in participating in the course, you can request registration by sending an e-mail to the Center for Training and Improvement of Servers of Esmat (
The course on Ethics in Research and Elaboration of Projects on the Brazil Platform is part of the actions of the Post-Graduation Professional and Interdisciplinary Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (PPGPJDH).