The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) is offering a course in the Integrated Management System of Extrajudicial Services (GISE). The course aims to use the GISE system, considering the changes and adaptations that have occurred in the last five years, in order to improve the application of this tool in the monitoring of the acts performed by the extrajudicial registries in the State of Tocantins.
The training will be divided into two classes, with different dates. Class I will take place from May 24th to 30th, 2023; Class II, from May 31st to June 7th, 2023. The target audience for Class I is the Judges and public servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. Class II is directed to the delegates of the Extrajudicial Notaries of the State of Tocantins.
You can register for Class I clicking here.
For Class II, click here.
A total of 100 vacancies will be available, 25 of which for Judges, 25 for civil servers and 50 for delegates from extra-judicial registries. If the vacancies are not filled by the respective target audiences, they may be distributed according to requests forwarded to the course coordination via e-mail
With a course load of 8 hours, the course will be held in the Distance Education modality (EaD), through the Virtual Platform of Esmat. For more information, click here.