The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) opened on Thursday (March 2nd), the registrations for vacancies for the course of Educational Video Production, which aim to know and apply techniques for recording live and recorded classes for distance education activities. In all, 120 vacancies are being offered to magistrates and servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and servers from Partner Bodies of Esmat.
The course will provide the opportunity to know theory and practice, the how-to, that is, how to produce audiovisual didactic material that will enrich the classes and facilitate learning. It will be available from March 16th to December 12th, 2023; however, registration to attend this class will take place from March 28th to September 30th, 2023. For those registered, after the course starts (March 28th), access to the Virtual Environment of Esmat will be granted within 72 hours by filling in the registration form.
The course is self-instructional, with self-explanatory material, and it will not be monitored by professors or tutors for explanations and to solve doubts. It will occur through the interaction of the content made available in the materials, E-BOOK, classes, LINKS, self-assessment activities, and learning evaluation.
You will have the autonomy, within the period made available for the course, to carry out the activities according to your time and availability. So, what are you waiting for to register? Just click here.
Don’t forget to read the Notice! Click here.
The other public servers interested in participating in the course, who are not part of the public defined in item 3.1 and are interested in participating in the activity, should request registration by e-mail from the Center for Training and Improvement of Servers -
The course is taught by the learning facilitator Adriano Alves Silva, master in Communication and Society, by PPGCOM/UFT. Bachelor in Social Communication, from the Lutheran University Center of the city of Palmas. MBA in Business Communication and Marketing. Professor at the Catholic University of the State of Tocantins, since 2015, in the Architecture and Urbanism course, teaching the disciplines of Drawing of Expression and Observation, Art and Aesthetics I and II, Projectual Intent. He also coordinates the Extension Program of the Architecture and Urbanism course. He was a professor at the Lutheran University Center of the city of Palmas, 2013-2017, Social Communication – Advertising, teaching the disciplines of Art Direction, Print Production, Video Production, Radio Production and Experimental Project in Advertising – Communication Product and Print Writing. He was a professor at the Institute of Teaching and Research – “Objetivo”, in the city of Palmas, 2013-2014. He is a consultant for Sebrae in the area of Marketing and Sales, sub-area Visual Identity. He has experience in the area of communication since 1986, working in the following areas: Marketing Strategies, Visual Identity, Branding, Indoor and Outdoor Media, Graphic Design, Visual Communication, Video Edition, 2nd and 3rd Animation, Modeling, Illustration, among others. Born in the city of São Paulo in 1973, at the age of 12 he was already illustrating book covers for a publishing company. He moved to the city of Palmas in 1992 and started working in the communication market in several agencies until he opened his own in 2005 (Adrians Advisory and Marketing). He recently created a t-shirt brand (Adrians T-shirts and etc…) where he explores his illustrations in prints with themes of Brazilian Folklore, Indigenous Ethnicities, Tocantins, among others.