Esmat holds Conflict Management course in Organizations

With the objective of applying preventive strategies and techniques of people management to the improvement of interpersonal relationships in the workplace in the daily life of organizations, the School of Judges of Tocantins (Esmat) starts on Thursday (6th) the course Conflicts in Organizations and Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace. The course is aimed at administrators and civil servers of the Judiciary in Tocantins.

Taught by the professors Erisevelton Silva and Fábio Penezi, the course will be conducted in the form of distance learning, via the Virtual Learning Environment of the School (AVA), which will enable interactivity between students and professors through forums and chats, as well as access to video classes, didactic material, links and other tools that will assist in the teaching-learning process. In all, three modules will be offered, with the themes: Getting to Know you; The Other, We – The Group -; Group Dynamics and Ethics at Work.

About the professors:

Erisevelton Silva Lima – Pedagogue. Doctor in Education with emphasis on Evaluation, by the University of Brasília (UnB). Master in Education in the area of Educational Policy and Administration, from Catholic University of Brasília. Specialist in Educational Administration, UnB. Areas of interest: Evaluation, Teacher Training, Teacher Training for Teaching and Curriculum.

Fábio Penezi Póvoa– Law Bachelor, from Eurípedes Soares da Rocha Teaching Foundation, Marília-SP. Specialist in the Law of Children and Adolescents, from the Federal University of Pará and the School of Judges of Pará. Professor in the Initial Training Courses for Judges at the School of Judges of Pará, in the discipline Administration of Judicial Activity.

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