Registration for the course People Management and Leadership - Class II is open

The deadline for the servers of the Judiciary in Tocantins, interested in participating in the course People Management and Leadership - Class II - closes on November 4th. The course, held by the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), aims to develop People Management competence to promote skills in the application of methods, policies, techniques and practices defined, through the development of people's attributes.

The proposal of the course is also to develop the skills related to the power of reflection, with the aim of managing internal behaviors and potencialize the human capital, with theoretical and practical content on the main aspects of leadership and tools for leadership and quality of life at work.

40 places are being offered, and classes take place from November 10th to 25th, 2020. Registrations will be made via web at The course will be in the Distance Learning mode, through the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) of Esmat and Zoom Platform.

Among the subjects covered in the course are: Self-Knowledge of Leadership; Building a Culture of Feedback; Fundamentals of Leadership; Leadership as a Facilitator of Team Development; Telework and Strategies to build a Culture of Healthy Relationship at Work.

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To register click here.

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