Registration open for the People Management and Leadership course - Class III

With the proposal to develop the People Management competence to promote skills in the application of methods, policies, techniques and practices defined with theoretical and practical content on the main aspects of leadership and tools for leadership and quality of life at work, the School of Judges of Tocantins launches on Thursday (5th), the registration process for the course People Management and Leadership - Class III. Registrations continue until November 23rd.

There are 40 vacancies being offered to employees (permanent or commissioned) of the Judiciary in Tocantins. The course will have a 20 hours classload and will take place from November 26th to December 8th, 2020. Registrations can be made at the Esmat Portal, and the classes will be in the Distance Learning mode, in the Virtual Environment (AVA) of Esmat and Zoom Platform..


To access the Notice, click here.

To register, click here.

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