Esmat holds Introduction to Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution course

Started this Tuesday (20th) and runs until May 18th the course Introduction to Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution, promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the University Center Lutheran of Palmas (CEULP / ULBRA). The course is the result of a Technical Cooperation Agreement between the Judiciary, through the Permanent Center for Consensual Methods of Conflict Resolution (NUPEMEC) and the Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship (CEJUSC) of the district of Palmas, and CEULP/ULBRA, whose objective is the installation of a Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution and Citizenship. The target audience are students from the Law course of that academic institution.

The installation of Cejuscs in the colleges is the result of a Master's Dissertation promoted by Esmat in partnership with the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), proposed by the master's student and coordinator of the High School Cejusc at the time, Judge Ângela Maria Ribeiro Prudente. From this product came the Cooperation Agreement and the course that starts today. According to the judge, this is the first step towards the effectiveness of this project, which should be for the appropriate policy of conflict resolution. "We know that contemporary society expects, every day, a quick and dynamic justice. We need to look at Law from a more humanitarian perspective, aiming at the creation of a fairer, egalitarian and citizen society", she emphasized.

For Judge Márcio Soares, Nupemec's coordinator, the course is important for the whole society in the search for the dissemination of a culture of pacification. "We are going through a very difficult moment, which has been aggravated by the pandemic. The students who are here today will be able to have this contact with mediation, conciliation, and conflict resolution", he said. For Professor Priscila Madruga, coordinator of the Center for Legal Practice of CEULP/ULBRA, it is the mission of the Academic Institution to form qualified professionals without losing the community focus. "I see this moment as a watershed. Not long ago we had a combative law practice, which did not mediate. It is necessary that we establish a culture of peace in society and in the professionals who will work in conflict mediation", he affirmed.

Classes will be held in the Distance Learning modality. Among the objectives of the academic training are to know the historical context of the alternative methods of conflict resolution; understand the concepts and fundamentals of the alternative methods of conflict resolution; understand the importance of the correct application of the techniques used in mediation hearings, as well as workshops on parenting and divorce, mobile justice, and restorative justice to successfully resolve conflicts.

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