The fifth panel of the Public Security and Human Rights course: A Restorative Look approaches Psychology, Psychoanalysis and the Fight against Racism

This Tuesday (20th), in another panel of the Public Security and Human Rights course: A Restorative Look, the themes: Psychology and understanding of the subject and its place of action and speech; Psychoanalysis and compassionate listening; and the role of society and the Public Power in the fight against Racism were approached.

The debates were coordinated by the Judge and master's student of Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, Silvana Maria Parfieniuk, who emphasized the importance of the themes and highlighted the brilliant performance of the speakers. "I feel very happy to participate in this Event for being aware that the restorative look is an extraordinary way to promote the improvement of the human being and social relations, because it stimulates and develops the understanding of the other, a way of humanization in the treatment of conflicts. It is impossible not to get involved and not to fall in love with a theme as sincere and sensitive as this one", she stated.

Specialist professor Daniela Paula Alencar talked about the Understanding of the Subject according to Psychology and emphasized the importance of the subject as an agent of change. She pointed out that "In Psychology, the subject is that being that has its subjectivity, its emotions, and its spaces for speech. The subject that deals with you and me, the subject that, through our experiences, our life experiences, carries our marks. The subject has its own history, with its own particularities. For Psychology, each subject has its importance, its value", she affirmed.

Psychoanalyst and professor Sandra Luzia Brito Santos presented topics on psychoanalysis and compassionate listening. "To talk about psychoanalysis and compassionate listening is to talk about a theme that is a precious pearl, especially today, in this moment in which we live, in which we are going through a pandemic." She started the debate with the provocative questions: Do we listen or do we hear? Is there a difference between listening and hearing? And she answered: "Listening is you paying attention to the other, it is you understanding what the other is saying". This statement resulted in important debates.

Later in the afternoon, Professor Dr. Patrícia Medina, professor of the Professional Master's Program in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, promoted by the Federal University of Tocantins in partnership with Esmat, spoke about the importance of the Public Power and society in combating racism, a social scourge that, despite its criminalization in Brazil, still causes many discussions. "Unfortunately racism has had a negative notoriety, and it has been recurrent in the field and in aspects of Brazilian society. We have been very involved with phenomena that are brought to us by the media, which occur outside our universe and our country. The media has collaborated with us in this process of reflection about the phenomena that occur in Brazil, and despite the fact that they happen very close to us, to our homes, to our work, to the social activities that we do, these phenomena that involve violence motivated by the crime of color also occur with us and need our reflection. The act of discriminating directly affects human rights, because it also involves the principle of human dignity", she reminded.

The programming of the Public Security and Human Rights course: A Restorative Look continues on April 29th, with the sixth Virtual Panel. Composed of eight panels, the course takes place through Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), with activities that promote interactivity among students through chat and access to other tools that will help in the teaching-learning process.

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