Course on selective solidary collection forms new public in the county of Gurupi

The actions planned in the Sustainable Logistical Plan of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (PLS/PJTO) reach another district in the interior of the state. On Tuesday afternoon (April 5th) it was the turn of the Forum of Gurupi, 214 km from Palmas, in the south of the state, to receive the Workshop on the PLS and Solid Waste. On Monday (April 4th), the training was offered in Alvorada. The initiative is from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), through the Social-Environmental Management and Social Responsibility Coordination (Cogersa) and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat).

The objective of the training is to provide knowledge about the PLS-PJTO, as well as about the theme of solidary selective collection, in order to give the necessary support to its implementation. The general coordination of the course is by the president of the PLS/PJTO Management Commission, Judge Ângela Prudente; and the technical and pedagogical coordinations are, respectively, Patricia Idehara and Jadir Alves de Oliveira.

The Judge opened the event thanking everyone for their presence. She recalled that sustainability is a very current theme and that the higher courts have been working on it very seriously. "Sustainability is quality of life, accessibility, economy, and goes beyond the individual to take on the collective. It is preparing the world for future generations. It is important to remember that this is a theme that goes beyond the issue of the environment; it has a social nature, transforming the lives of the collectors, for example. The Judiciary will remain active, since the initiative is part of the Strategic Plan of the Court of Justice", highlighted the magistrate.

Implement and monitor 

“The course was thought as a complement to the implementation of selective collection within the TJTO. It is worth highlighting that it is not only to implant, but to capacitate and monitor all the actions that are involved with selective collection, aimed not only at the outsourced employees that provide services to the Court, but also to magistrates, servers, interns, volunteers. The course provides orientation on the adequate destination of residues, on the contamination of these residues when disposed of in an inadequate place and how this generates an impact on the tip. All the waste generated in the courts will be separated, weighed and sent to the cooperatives and associations contemplated via public notice, generating income for the collectors, thus practicing socioeconomic inclusion along with sustainability", said the environmental engineer, course facilitator and Cogersa employee, Cinthia Azevedo.


For Lorena Véras, a civil server in the Gurupi district, "the course on recycling is important because it makes us aware of preserving the environment, besides favoring a profitable activity, generating new jobs. 

“I admit that I gave little importance to this attitude, I hardly put the waste in the right places and I do not speak only for myself, but I also represent a large portion of society, and today, hearing all this, I see how negligent I was and how unfavorable and serious this is for the environment and also for people. My sincere thanks for the project. I leave this lecture ready to collaborate with sustainability not only here in the county but also in my home and in my life. As was said at the end of the workshop 'Be sustainable in everything'," said the trainee Lara Gomes Dias.


The course facilitator and Cogersa employee Leila Jardim approached the PLS guidelines and the importance of the execution in the results of the Judiciary, besides the obligations established in the contract with the outsourced company. Cinthia Azevedo presented a systematized content about solid residues, besides didactically teaching how to carry out the solidary selective collection in practice, using as examples the residues that are present in the  daily routine of the servers, such as disposable cups, papers, and food scraps.


The PLS-PJTO is "a strategic socio-environmental management instrument that promotes integrated, indivisible, transversal, and systemic governance" and the training meets four topics of the themes prioritized in the PLS 2021-2023 by the management. The training also integrates the National Policy for Solid Waste (Law 12.305/2010) and it is in accordance with the Presidential Decree 10.936/2022 that regulated it. It is worth noting that the training is an initiative that provides for the promotion of proper waste management and complies with Resolution No. 400/2021 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), which provides for a sustainability policy in all courts in the country.

Agenda 2030

The course is aligned to the actions of the Court with the United Nations Agenda 2030, by contemplating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) No. 1 (Eradication of poverty), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities); 12 (Responsible consumption and production); 13 (Action against global climate change); 14 (Life on water); 15 (Life on land) and 16 (Peace, justice, and effective institutions).

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