Esmat holds course on strengthening custody hearings in Tocantins

On Monday (March14th), the course Strengthening Custody Hearings in the State of Tocantins began, in the distance learning modality, live on the Google Meet Platform. Conducted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the training course has a classload of 30 hours and will last until April 8th of this year. The course is part of one of the actions of Axis 1 – Criminal Proportionality, under the Making Justice Program, of the National Council of Justice (CNJ).

40 vacancies were offered to magistrates and servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. Taught by Ana Lucrécia Bezerra Sodré, chief Judge of the Central Inquiry and Custody Center of the city of Imperatriz (MA), the course aims to improve the institute of custody hearings in the State of Tocantins, so that it can consolidate itself as an instrument to control the legality of every act of detention and to regulate the gateway to the prison system.

In August 2021, the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) received an institutional visit from the Judge Luís Geraldo Sant'ana Lanfredi, Who coordinates the Department for Monitoring and Supervision of the Prison System and the System for Execution of Social and Educational Measures of the National Council of Justice (DMF/CNJ) and from the Assistant Judge  of the Presidency at the DMF, Fernando Pessôa da Silveira Mello.

The meeting aimed to sign a Technical Cooperation Agreement between the CNJ and the TJTO, about the Making Justice Program, which focuses on various moments of the criminal and socio-educational cycle and also invests in the inter-institutional dialogue and the construction of customized and collaborative solutions considering the different local realities. The term formalizes the commitments and respective deliveries agreed upon in the Executive Plan, which will be jointly executed by the parties, throughout the biennium 2020/2022.


About the Program

The Making Justice Program works to overcome the structural challenges of the criminal and socio-educational systems, based on the recognition of the unsconstitutional state of things in Brazilian prisons by the Supreme Court. This is the continuity of a partnership started in 2019 between the National Council of Justice and the United Nations Development Program, with important support from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and other collaborations involving the public sector, the private sector and civil society.

The program is divided into four thematic axés, which cover actions in the Field of penal proportionality; of sócio-educational policies; of stimulating the citizenship of ex-offenders and their families; and of improving systems and Civil identification. In addition to products, training, methodologies, and the execution of local projects, the strategy also focuses on strenghtening services and equipment.

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