Esmat holds eSocial course

Servers and Magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and servers of partners agencies participate in the eSocial Course in Palmas:  a digital view of tax, social security and labor obligations, and its simplification – implementation to practice. The classes, held face-to-face, take place in the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), obeying all safety and distance regulations.

The eSocial Project is a joint action of the agencies and entities of the federal government: Federal Revenue Secretariat of Brazil (RFB), “Caixa Econômica Federal”, National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and Department of Labor (TEM), established by the Decree number 8. 373, of 2014, through which the employers (in this case, the Court of Justice) will now communicate to the Government, in a unified and systematized way, information regarding workers (including outsourced workers, trainees etc), such as employment relationships, social security contributions, payroll, work accident communications, prior notice, tax records and FGTS information.

For the lecturer professor Rômulo Borges Araújo, the course aims to train operators of the system in the various financial and people management sectors. “The Idea of the course is to bring to the Court of Justice all the obligations that eSocial requires us, with activities that began in the last quarter of 2021, expected to be implemented by April. The Idea of the course is this, to show if all this information if the Court of Justice already has them, and if it is in a format to send them to the base of eSocial,” he Said.

The director of People Management of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Antônio José Ferreira de Rezende, reinforced the importance of the course and its theoretical and practical reference in the decision making of the various units linked to eSocial. “We are learning and spreading this knowledge not only in the Directorate of People Management, but also in the Financial, Administrative, Technology and Information Directorates and other Esmat partners.

The Director pointed out that “as of 2023 the penalties for managers Who do not send the information correctly will begin to apply. That’s why the training involves several units, all connected to eSocial,” he said.

The face-to-face meetings continue until March 18th, 2022, from 1pm to 5:10pm, in the School's auditorium.

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