Online Course for Facilitators of Circles and Peacebuilding begins

Started this Monday (August 2nd) and will run until next October 25th, 2021, the online course of Deepening for Facilitators of Circles and Peacebuilding. The proposal is to contribute to the development of Restorative Justice (RJ) and its practical application by deepening the skills and competencies of Peacebuilding Circle facilitators.

The course was requested by the Restorative Justice Steering Committee, through the JR Coordination integrated to the Permanent Center for Consensual Methods of Conflict Solution (NUPEMEC), held by the Superior School of Magistracy of Tocantinense (ESMAT) and has a course load of 60 hours.

Fifty vacancies were made available for judges and also for permanent, commissioned, and assigned servants trained as facilitators, working at Nupemec; in the Juvenile Court and in the 2nd Criminal Court of the City of Araguaína, and accredited restorative facilitators in the Cejusc Polo of Araguaína, Araguatins, Colinas, Gurupi, Miracema, Palmas, Porto Nacional, and Tocantinópolis.

The activities will be carried out through AJURIS' Virtual Learning Environment and synchronous classes through the ZOOM platform made available by the school.


About the professors:

Leoberto Narciso Brancher

A law Judge for 22 years, he currently serves at the Regional Court of Childhood and Youth in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, where he also coordinates the Center for Conciliations and Mediations (Resolution No. 125 of the National Council of Justice, 2010). He was director of Citizenship (1994-1995) and director of Social Communication (2004-2005) of the Association of Judges of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Project Coordinator (1996-1999) and President of the Brazilian Association of Magistrates and Promoters of Justice for Children and Youth (1999-2001). He created in 2004 and until 2012 coordinated the Nucleus of Restorative Justice Studies at the Superior School of the Judges of Rio Grande do Sul, covering the training activities offered by the School in this field. He is the author and coordinator of the Project Justice for the 21st Century, an inter-institutional articulation initiative led by the Association of Judges of Rio Grande do Sul (AJURIS), which aims to implement Restorative Justice practices in the pacification of violence involving children and adolescents, which, since 2005, has been a reference in the introduction of Restorative Justice in Brazil.

Afonso Armando Konzen

Professor at the Law School of the Superior School Foundation of the State Prosecution of Rio Grande do Sul. Coordinator of the Post-Graduate course in Child and Adolescent Law at the same school. Associate lawyer at KONZEN Lawyers and Associated Consultants. Speaker and independent consultant. Retired member of the State Prosecution of Rio Grande do Sul. Graduated in Law from PUC-RS, 1979. Post-graduate degree in Child and Adolescent Law, State Prosecution School of Rio Grande do Sul, 2002. Master in Criminal Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, 2006. Member of the Nucleus of Studies on Restorative Justice of the School of the Judges of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Member of the Special Commission for the Defense of Children and Adolescents' Rights at OAB/RS. He works with the following topics: Human Rights, Child and Adolescent Rights, Right to Education, Family Rights, Socioeducation and Restorative Justice.

Rafaela Duso

Graduated in Psychology, by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2005). Specialist in Family and Couple Therapy, by the Family Institute of Porto Alegre, 2008. Currently she is a psychologist of the Community Justice project – Pinheiro Lomba Nucleus - of the São Francisco de Assis Cultural Institute. She is also member of the Center of Studies in Mediation of the Superior School of the Judges (AJURIS). She has experience in the clinical area, working mainly in the following subjects: Conflict Mediation, Psychology, Human Development, Health Promotion, Family and Couple Development, and the Relations of Psychology with Law and Justice.

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