Registration open for Class II of the Violence against Children and Adolescents course

Registration for Class II of the Violence against Children and Adolescents course, to be held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), with a total workload of 70 hours, in the distance learning modality, is open from Wednesday (28) until August 10, 2021.

The course aims to train professionals who work with issues of violence against children and adolescents in the state of Tocantins, in the search for better qualification of preventive, identification, and intervention actions, based on the recognition of the various forms of violence, their characteristics, and consequences, whether psychosocial or legal, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Ninety vacancies are being offered, to be distributed among male and female employees, magistrates from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins; tutelary counselors from the state of Tocantins; employees from the System of Rights Guarantees (Children and Teenagers' Police Stations, State Prosecutor's Office, Public Defender's Office, and the Forensic Medical Institute).

The classes will be held through the Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment - Moodle Platform - and it will be necessary to participate in the webaulas via videoconference, live, through Google Meet or AVA's BigBlueButton. 

To register for Class II, click here.

Click here, to access the Notice. 


About the professors:

Gustavo Paschoal Teixeira de Castro Oliveira – PhD in International Relations Law from the University Center of Brasília (UniCEUB). Master in Law - Constitution and Process - from the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP). Specialized in Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law at the University of Franca (UNIFRAN). Bachelor of Laws from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC-GO). Professor at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and at the Lutheran University Center of Palmas (CEULP/ULBRA), where he also coordinates the Law course. Coordinator of the Post-Graduation Program in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights. Experienced in the area of Law, with emphasis on Professional Ethics, Bioethics and Law (Biodirection), Environmental Law and International Law. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses (Lato and Stricto Sensu - Master in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights (ESMAT/UFT)) and develops research and extension activities in the areas of Bioethics and Law (Biodiret) and Environmental Law. Member of the Brazilian Association of Environmental Law Professors (APRODAB). Attorney at Law.

Márcia Mesquita Vieira – Technical Analyst. Social Worker of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, currently coordinator of the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM). Professor of the Social Service course of the University of Tocantins Foundation (UNITINS). Graduated in Social Service from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás. Master in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) in partnership with the Superior School of Magistrature Tocantins (ESMAT). Specialist in Judiciary Management, from Lapa Educational College  (FAEL). Specialist in Education, Development, and Educational Policies, from Faculdade Adelmar Rosado (FAR). Specialist in Administration and Planning of Social Projects, by the University of Grande Rio (UNIGRANRIO). Specialist in Public Management, by the Foundation University of Tocantins (UNITINS). Specialist in Domestic Violence Against Children and Adolescents, by the University of São Paulo (USP).

Priscila Madruga Ribeiro Gonçalves – Graduated in Law. Lato Sensu post-graduate degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. Professor of Higher Education. Master in Law, International Relations and Development, from PUC-GO. Member of the Human Rights Commission of the OAB/TO. Member of the Center for Human Rights (CDHP), Palmas-TO. Member of the Memory, Truth, and Justice Committee of Tocantins. Member of the State Council for Human Rights of the State of Tocantins. Lawyer regularly enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, State of Tocantins, active in causes involving the defense of Human Rights and of other natures. Professor of Law at the Lutheran University Center of Palmas. Coordinator of the Legal Practice Center of the Lutheran University Center of Palmas (SAJULP). Professor of Post-Graduation in Criminal Sciences at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins. Professor of Post-Graduation in Public Law. Member of the Examining Boards for Public Defense of Final Paper of the Post-Graduate Course in Judiciary Management, held by Lapa Educational College  (FAEL) in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). Member of the Examining Board of Public Defense for Qualification in Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation - Master's Degree - from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT) in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). Conciliator in Training by the Superior School of of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). Coordinator of the Academic League of Family Rights (LADIFA).

Julianne Freire Marques – Master's Degree in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, from the Federal University of Tocantins and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, 2015. Graduated in Law from the University of Tocantins, 1998. Magistrate at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins. Holder of the Special Court for Children and Youth of the City of Araguaína-TO. Facilitator of restorative circles. President of the Association of Magistrates of the State of Tocantins. Vice-President of Human Rights of the Brazilian Magistrates Association (AMB).

Amanda Emilene Arruda – Graduated in Pedagogy, in 2007, from the Foundation University of Tocantins (UNITINS). Specialist in Management in Educational Guidance, 2012, from the Integrated Faculty of Araguatins (FAIARA). Completion of the Special Discipline Curriculum in Elementary Education in the Professional Master's Degree in Education. Works as a teacher of Basic Education in public and private networks. Manager, pedagogical coordinator, and educational counselor in the public state system. Internship Coordinator of the Pedagogy Course at the University of Tocantins Foundation (UNITINS). Technician of the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (GGEM), in the area of Legal Pedagogy. She has given training courses in the areas of Educational Projects; Distance Education; Moodle Platform; Pedagogy in the Legal Environment.

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