Second Workshop Class on PJeCor System involves members of the Justice System

On Monday (June 28th), the second class of the General Guidelines Workshop on the PJeCor System began. The training is a request from the Office of the Chief Justice of the State of Tocantins (CGJUSTO) to the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), aiming at the proper use of the national tool for corrections developed by the National Council of Justice (CNJ). The new group involves magistrates, public servers from the offices of the Court of Justice and the Inspector General's Office, and representatives from the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Public Defender's Office, and the Brazilian Bar Association - Tocantins Section.

The opening of the Workshop was held by the Assistant Judge of the Inspector General's Office, Rosa Maria Gazire Rossi. "It is very important to see our partners from the Justice System participating in this course, in addition to our magistrates and servers. The use of PJeCOR is a determination of the National Council of Justice and aims for transparency, economy, standardization of procedures and agility in the provision of information", she said.

PJeCOR is a single computerized system for all the Internal Affairs Offices, which aims to unify and standardize the processing of administrative procedures, ensuring greater efficiency, transparency, and economy in the performance of the correctional bodies. The Internal Affairs Offices must use PJeCOR to process cases, register their users and properly maintain their records, notify the National Council of Justice of incidents and problems, and forward suggestions for improvements.

The training has a total of 12 class hours and takes place virtually through the Esmat system. The facilitators are the Attorney Amanda Gomes and the Judicial Analyst from the Court of Justice of Bahia (TJBA) Patric Silva Guimarães. 

About the facilitators

Amanda Gomes dos Santos is a lawyer, graduated in Law from Unijorge, in Salvador-BA. She has post-graduate degrees in Public Law from Legale College (São Paulo-SP), in Civil Law from UniBF College (Paraná-PR), and in Medical Law and Bioethics from UNIFACS. 

Participated in the implementation of PJeCor in the Internal Court of Justice of the State of Bahia. Partner-Director of Gomes & Guimarães Legal Courses.

Patric Silva Guimarães is a judicial analyst for TJBA, graduated in Law from Unifass and in Administration from Tiradentes University (UNIT). He has postgraduate degrees in Public Law from Legale College; in Disciplinary Administrative Process and Sindication from UniBF College; in Electoral Law from Baiana College of Law; in Constitutional Law from Integrated College (AVM); and in Personnel Consulting and Management from Integrated College of Bahia (FIB). Supervisor of the Internal Affairs of the Interior Courts, since April 2014. Coordinator of the Extrajudicial Nucleus of the Corregedorias, since August 2020. Member of the Implementation Group of PJeCor in TJBA. Internal Instructor of TJBA, through a course held by Unicorp, 2019. Partner at Gomes & Guimarães Law Courses.

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