Esmat holds course on Governance in Public Contracting in the Judiciary

Started this Tuesday (June 15th), and runs until July 4th, 2021, the course Governance in Public Contracting in the Judiciary. The proposal is to train and update the public servers through a practical approach to the methodological procedures for the implementation of governance mechanisms in the contracts adhering to Resolution No. 347, 2020, of the National Council of Justice. Conducted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), 35 vacancies were available for public servers (permanent and commissioned) of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, or public servers from other assigned bodies.

The course is justified because Resolution 347 of 2020 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) establishes rules on the Governance Policy of Public Contracts in the Judiciary.

With a classload of 20 hours, the activities will be developed through videoconferences on the Google Meet Platform and Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). 

About the instructor:

Thiago Anderson Zagatto

Federal Auditor of External Control of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU). Specialist in Government Auditing. Lawyer (UNB). Civil Engineer (UEL). Master's candidate in Economic Law (PUC/PR). Member of the Special Post-Graduation Evaluation Committee (CPA) of the Serzedello Corrêa Institute ISC/TCU. Member of the Editorial Board of Forensic Magazine. Professor of Post-Graduation in Biddings at Unibrasil. Speaker in several congresses, seminars and events related to public management.

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