Registrations For Free Multidisciplinary Postgraduate Course In The City Of Palmas Are Extended Until Sunday, 16th

People interested in taking the LATO SENSU postgraduate course on “Access to Justice and Vulnerability”, offered by the Superior School of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins (Esdep), have until Sunday 16th to sign up. The course is free and multidisciplinary, meaning that professionals with degrees in different areas of training can take part, as the content covers different areas of knowledge in an integrated way.

Registrations were due to end on Wednesday, February 12th, but in accordance with the Notice 003/2025, the deadline has been extended until 11:59 p.m. on February 16th (next Sunday). Those interested must submit a Letter of Intent for the course, among other documents. Check out the Notice 001/2025 clicking here.

Entries must be made exclusively via the link: <> The selection process will be carried out in three stages: registration, which is eliminatory; submission of a letter of intent and an interview, the latter of which is classificatory and eliminatory.

There are 30 vacancies on offer (for the internal and external public of the Public Defender's Office), of which 18 are for the internal public (9 for members and 9 for civil servers of the Public Defender's Office); four vacancies for members of partner institutions; 8 vacancies for the external public in general; two for the general community, two vacancies reserved for black candidates (black and brown); one vacancy for indigenous candidates; one vacancy for quilombola candidates; and two vacancies for candidates with disabilities.

The partner institutions are: The Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, the State Prosecution, the Treasury Management School and the General Controllership of the State of Tocantins.

The course

Classes will be held in person at the headquarters of Esdep in the city of Palmas, on Thursdays from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm, and on Fridays from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm, with the course being modular and with biweekly classes. The course starts in April of 2025.

To meet the teaching team, click here.

The course is accredited by the State Education Council (CEE) and at the end, if the student passes all the stages, they will receive the title of specialization. More information is available at here

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