Registrations Are Open For Course On Counter-Monitoring For The Self-Protection Of Magistrates

Registrations are now open for the course on Introduction to Counter-Monitoring for the Self-Protection of Magistrates, held by the Center for Judicial Studies of the Council of the Federal Justice (CEJ/CJF) and General Internal Affairs of Federal Justice (CG). The educational activity will take place on February 18th, from 4pm to 7pm, virtually, and it is exclusively for members of the federal magistracy.

Those interested should access the registration page by February 14th and enter their institutional e-mail address when registering. The activity is part of the actions promoted by the CEJ/CJF to improve the institutional security of the Judiciary.

The aim of the course is to make magistrates understand counter-monitoring as a self-protection strategy, identifying opportunities to break the planning cycle of potential aggressors. The training aims to develop a proactive and preventive mentality in students, strengthening the culture of self-protection in the federal magistracy.

The 100 places available will be filled in order of registration, and participants who complete the training will receive a certificate. The content covers the following topics:

  • Counter-monitoring and its aspects: counter-monitoring in the strict sense and anti-monitoring;
  • The hostile planning cycle and its phases;
  • Who plays with the aggressor: victim, target or principal?;
  • Whoever sees can be seen: how to identify the most common compromises in the behavior of the criminal when obtaining information;
  • Criminological concepts and their repercussions on the construction of a deterrent cycle of the intention of the aggressor.

 Access and check out more information about the course.

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