Esmat Announces February Programming

The schedule of courses and events planned for February is now available! Shall we take a look at some of the activities?

The 9th class of the course on Financial Education for Consumers - My bills are up to date at Cejusc - will hold its first meeting on February 6th and it will continue until March 7th. The aim is to provide consumers with financial education and psychosocial guidance on consumption and ways of dealing with over-indebtedness.

The kick-off WORKSHOP will take place on February 13th and 14th and it is aimed at directors, judges assisting the Presidency, heads of offices and advisors of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins.

Registrations are now open for the Forum on “Law and Health: focusing on the judicialization of health”. The event will be held on February 17th, providing a space for discussion, reflection and critical analysis of the rulings of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on the Themes 1.234 and 6 of the General Repercussion, relating to the supply of medicines.

For more information, check out the web calendar of Esmat clicking here.

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