Third Edition Of Enam Will Be Held In May

The National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam) published on Monday (3rd) the notice for the first edition of 2025 of the National Judicial Exam (Enam). People interested in taking part will be able to register between February 14 and March 17.

Access the notice.

The exam, which is now in its third edition, is designed to qualify Law graduates to take part in public competitions for entry to the judiciary held by the federal, state and Federal District and Territories, labor and military courts. The exam is organized by Enfam and it has the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) as its examining board.


The exam is eliminatory, without ranking by order of merit and it is valid for two years, extendable for the same period. Candidates must be Brazilian or Portuguese (with legal support); have completed a law degree; and be up to date with their military (men) and electoral obligations.

Fee exemptions are available for those registered with the Unified Registry and bone marrow donors. The application period will be between February 14th and 24th, 2025. All others must pay a fee of R$120.00.


The exam, with 80 objective questions, lasts five hours and it will be held in the state capitals and the Federal District on May 18th, 2025. The subjects covered will be Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, Civil, Criminal, Business, Human Rights and General Notions of Law and Humanistic Training.

To pass, candidates must get 70% of the questions right (56 questions). Black, indigenous and disabled candidates must get 50% of the test right (40 questions).

More information about the third National Judicial Exam can be obtained by calling 0800 2834628 and e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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