In An Emotional Speech, Justice Etelvina Bids Farewell To The Presidency, Citing Challenges And Highlighting Achievements For A Closer And More Innovative Justice System

“In the Presidency, I have tried to imprint a humanized vision, and in this vision we have often become the protagonists of numerous public policies and some central actions in search of administrative and judicial improvement, institutional strengthening, guaranteeing rights, promoting inclusion, dignity and citizenship, the results of which are integrated not just into this administration, but into the institution we serve, our Court of Justice,” said Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, as she closed her two-year term in the head of the Presidency of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) on Monday (February 3rd), during the inauguration of the new board of directors for the 2025/2027 term.

“We have moved the Judiciary through programs and actions with the ideal we dreamed of, of making our Justice a 'Closer and More Innovative Justice',” she said when reporting on the commitments made.

With her management program, the magistrate said that she sought to bring justice as close as possible to the citizens of the state of Tocantins and also to the magistrates and civil servers of the first degree. Among the actions achieved, she mentioned the inauguration of digital inclusion points, the JudPopStreet program, visits to the 36 districts in order to get to know the reality of each one, bring information and exchange experiences.

She also mentioned the increase in the number of first instance legal advisors and interns; the internalization of the actions of the Health Space; the creation and expansion of the Legal Residency Program; the launch of the competition for the judiciary; the creation of the Program for Protection, Humanized Reception and Solidarity for Women in the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins (PAHS); and the conclusion of another phase of the Management by Competencies project process.

With regard to the infrastructure, she mentioned the construction and inauguration of the new, modern courthouse buildings in the districts of Arapoema, Colméia and Tocantinópolis; the renovation and modernization of the Court of the district of Pedro Afonso; the construction of the Forum of the district of Gurupi, which will be inaugurated soon; and the signing of service orders for the construction of other new courthouses; the delivery of the Central Archives building and the expansion of the headquarters building of the TJTO.


 “Our administration has sought to prioritize innovation,” said the president of the 2023/2025 administration, stressing that innovation ”is no longer a choice but a necessity in order to guarantee the delivery of increasingly fast, accessible and efficient justice.”

The modernization of judicial processes, driven by the use of new technologies and methodologies, according to the judge, allows justice to keep pace with the evolution of society, “responding more quickly and effectively to the demands of the population.”

In this sense, she mentioned the creation of the Inovassol Innovation Center, the installation of robots and the implementation of artificial intelligence in Eproc. She also highlighted the SimpleTOC language simplification program, the Communication Plan of the TJTO, among other achievements that can be seen in the 2023/2025 management report.

“I can say: this court has made and is making strides in terms of proximity to civil servers, judges and society, and in terms of innovation,” she said.

“In the middle of the path there was a stone”

At the time, Etelvina also recalled adversity. Quoting a poem by Carlos Drumond de Andrade, she spoke about Operation Maximus, launched by the Federal Police in August of 2024, in which she mentioned her name as one of those being investigated, but she was later exonerated.

“In that disturbing moment, even though I was directly affected and had my biography vilified by the early trial, I did everything I could to preserve our beloved Court of Justice, because it is the strong element that unites us, to ensure that the rights of the citizens of the state of Tocantins are respected and to promote social peace,” she said, pointing out that there was an early trial of people to whom the Federal Constitution guarantees the fundamental right of the presumption of innocence. 

“I'm sure that we magistrates will never stop applying justice, and we can draw some excellent reflections from this episode. Our responsibility as judges is immense, because in our hands are placed the essential nuclei of life and what is most dear to human beings: freedom, family, health, property and honor,” she said.

After thanking God, her team, members of the TJTO, her family and institutions, she said that cooperation was one of the hallmarks of her administration, “to form a network, join forces and bring the services of justice to the population.”

The justice concluded her emotional speech by calling on the magistrates to “honor the judgment on the day of their inauguration” and wishing achievements and success to the new administration, which will be presided over by Justices Maysa Vendramini Rosal and Jacqueline Adorno (vice-president).

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