The Commission for the VI Competition for the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins met on Thursday (January 23rd) with representatives of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), the bank hired by the Court of Justice to carry out the competition, to discuss the clauses of the public notice and the schedule for the selection process which will offer 15 vacancies for the position of Substitute Judge, seven of which will be for immediate appointment, as well as a reserve list.
The public notice should be published by the end of this month and registrations are scheduled to begin in February. The competition will be held in five stages of an eliminatory and classificatory nature: selective objective test; discursive writing and sentencing practice; background check and social investigation, physical and mental health examination, psycho technical examination; oral test; as well as evaluation of qualifications.
A draft notice has been sent to all the members of the exam committee for consideration. A new meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon (January 24th) to finalize the competition notice.
The meeting of Thursday was attended by the president of the TJTO, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe; the members of the commission: Justices Eurípedes Lamounier (president of the commission), Adolfo Amaro Mendes (vice-president) and Angela Issa Haonat; Prosecutor Flávia Rodrigues, representing the State Prosecution; Lawyer Priscila Madruga, appointed by the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-TO), the coordinator of the exam by FGV, Caroline Pires; the assistant Judges to the president of the TJTO, Rosa Maria Gazire Rossi and Roniclay Alves de Morais; the general director of the TJTO, Ana Carina Souto; the head of the office of the president, Jeane Justino; Selma Castro and Claudiene Moreira.