The Library of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) received a significant boost to its collection last November with the acquisition of 190 new copies. The works cover a variety of topics and they are relevant to areas such as Law, Social Sciences, Education and Communication.
The new titles include: THE ANXIOUS GENERATION, by Jonathan Haidt; THE IMPAIRABLE DEBT, by Denise Ferreira da Silva; ENVIRONMENTAL CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY, by Paulo de Bessa Antunes; CRIMINAL SYSTEM AND DECOLONIALITY: APPROACHES TO INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE AGAINST INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN BRAZIL, by Bruna Hoisler Sallet and Bruno Rotta Almeida, and many others. These books reinforce the commitment of Esmat on promoting study and research among Judges, civil servers and students, contributing to the improvement of the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins.
Check out the full list clicking here.
Access and schedules
The Library is open to the public for study and research from Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 6 pm. Home loans are restricted to magistrates, civil servers and trainees of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), as well as students on LATO and STRICTO SENSU postgraduate courses of Esmat.
For more information or to check the availability of copies, those interested can access the Virtual Library of the TJTO, send an e-mail to