The mandatory training for the volunteers who will take part in the 1st Jud Tocantins Pop Street Task Force, with the aim of preparing them through specific guidelines and instructions for the event, will take place this Tuesday (November 19th) at 2pm in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). The training will last two hours and it is essential for the volunteers to understand the activities and dynamics of the action, which will take place on November 22nd at the Maria dos Reis Barros State School in the city of Palmas.
The training aims to ensure that the volunteers are properly prepared to act efficiently during the task force, fully understanding their roles and responsibilities. In this way, the Judiciary seeks to provide a quality and effective service to the vulnerable population that will be served at the event.
All the participants in the Task Force will receive certification issued by the TJTO in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat). Training is a fundamental stage for the success of the 1st Jud Tocantins Pop Street Task Force.
Task force
The 1st Jud Tocantins Pop Street Task Force will be held from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on November 22nd at the Maria dos Reis Barros State School in the Taquari sector of the city of Palmas. The volunteers will work on the following activities:
- Screening service - reception and welcoming of those assisted, collection of initial information, registration on the appropriate form and indication of the services on the badge of the person;
- Support service (Angels) - Accompanying, guiding and directing those assisted;
- Support for legal services;
- Support in health care;
- Support in social assistance;
- Support for citizenship services;
- Logistical support;
- Support for veterinary care;
- Support for recreational and leisure services;
- Support for legal services (Cejusc and Nupemec);
- Organization of social actions, such as the “Father Present” project, and actions aimed at the elderly population;
- Participation in conciliation and over-indebtedness projects;
- Clarifications and completion of forms for the “Father Present Program” (Cocid);
- Printed explanations on “How to Avoid Fraud in Payroll Loans” (Cocid);
- Participation in cultural and health activities, such as the “Solidary Hanger” and public health events (in partnership with Sesau);
- Guidance: individual assistance to provide information on rights, support services and available resources (Cevid and OUVWoman);
- Distribution of pamphlets and information folders (Cevid and OUVWoman);
- Hygiene kits: distribution of kits with basic personal hygiene items, sponsored by the Union and Fraternity Masonic Lodge No. 31 (Cevid and OUVWoman);
- Solidary Hanger: distribution of clothing and footwear donations (Cevid and OUVWoman);
- Round of Conversation: creation of a space for dialogue on issues related to domestic violence, promoting support and awareness (Cevid and OUVWoman);
- Logistical support (furniture, IT, transportation) and general services.
For more information, click here.