Final And Preliminary Results Of Enam Are Now Available For Consultation

The official final results of the objective test and the nominal list of the preliminary results of the objective test for the second edition of the National Judicial Exam (Enam) are now available for consultation, as of Tuesday (19th). The preliminary results of the registration of black people after analysis of the documentation and diplomas have also been released, as well as the answers to the appeals filed against the preliminary templates.

All the results can be accessed on the FGV Knowledge monitoring page. Appeals must be filed from 4pm on November 21st to 4pm on November 22nd. They must also be sent via the monitoring page.

Enam is organized by the National School for the Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam) and it has the FGV Knowledge as its examining board. The national and unified selection process qualifies law graduates to apply for competitions for entry into the judiciary, promoted by the federal, labor, military, state and Federal District and Territory regional courts.

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