The presentation of the Directorate of People Management (Digep) Master Plan, feedback on the results of an internal survey conducted with civil servers and the strategic planning for 2025 marked a meeting held at the end of October in the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) with civil servers and trainees from Digep.
To ensure that all members of the unit could take part, Digep interrupted external services between 3pm and 6pm, as it emphasized the importance of the event for the internal alignment of the team.
The focus of the meeting was the presentation of the Master Plan of Digep and included the results of the internal survey. Over the course of a year, a series of sectoral meetings, debates and discussions about the nature of the activities and working conditions in the directorate made it possible to identify essential aspects for improving the quality of the services offered to the internal public of the TJTO. The work resulted in fundamental guidelines for drawing up the People Management Master Plan, which will be submitted to the Governance Committee.
The director of the Directorate of People Management (Digep), Márcia Mesquita, highlighted the importance of the collegiate body in strengthening the people management policy at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).
“The governance committee has been committed and collaborative, actively participating in activities to strengthen the people management policy. In this regard, some members took part in the meeting to present the consolidation of the data from the first stage of elaboration of the PDGP,” she said.
In the assessment of the director, evaluation of the committee of the People Management Master Plan, in order to deliberate and monitor its implementation, represents a major step forward for the area, due to the professional maturity of the teams and the strengthening of the people management policy in the Judiciary.