Esmat Delivers Collected Books To The Cariri Penal Treatment Unit

On Tuesday (November 12th), librarian Silvânia Olortegui, from the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), delivered 445 books collected in the “Read Free” campaign to the Cariri Penal Treatment Unit in the city of Gurupi.

The books were received by the head of the registry office, Valquiria Martins Volpati; the pedagogical coordinator of the unit, Danilo Roberto Volpati; and the deputy head of the duty head, Sheila Cristina Magalhães.

The initiative aims to promote the democratization of access to reading within the prison unit, contributing to the  penal reprieve. In a statement, Silvânia highlighted the importance of this action. 

“Campaigns like this are important for social reintegration and access to knowledge and education, mobilizing the community to raise awareness and social participation and having a positive impact on the rehabilitation of these people,” she said.

Part of the donated books come from the readings carried out during the Literary Workshops project, developed by the Directorate of People Management (Digep) in partnership with Esmat, providing people deprived of their liberty with access to books that address critical reflection on social issues.

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