The Judiciary of the State of Tocantins invites civil servers, Judges and the general public to take part in the 6th edition of the Justice Race for Accessibility and Inclusion, to be held on December 8th. Registrations are limited, with only 1,100 places available. The deadline is expected to be December 1st or until the places are filled. The kits, containing a T-shirt, visor and a sports bag, will be collected on December 6th and 7th, at a location to be determined.
This year, the initiative celebrates more than promoting health and overcoming obstacles, it's a time to celebrate with the whole community in general, as the race is part of the programming for the 35th anniversary of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins celebrated this year. Another important date to highlight is the day of the race, December 8th, when Justice Day is celebrated.
The start will be in front of the Court of Justice building, at 6:30 a.m., and in this special edition, there are places for everyone, with prizes of more than R$45,000 for internal and external audiences. A total of 48 people will win prizes.
Check out the details of the awards here.
Walk: 3km, for all ages;
Run: 5km and 10km.
- Internal Public (Employees and Partner Bodies of the TJTO)
- Community/Elite (General Public)
- General PCD and wheelchair user PCD
- Community: 3K Walk, 5K Run, 10K Run, Elite: R$ 79,00
- Community 60+: R$ 39,50
- Internal Public (Employees and Partner Bodies of the TJTO): R$ 69,00
- Internal Public (Employees and Partner Bodies of the TJTO) 60+: R$ 34.50
- General PCD and wheelchair user PCD: Fee waived