Decisions And Rulings On Human Rights Will Be Awarded By The Cnj

The National Council of Justice (CNJ) has published the notice for the 2nd Competition for Judicial Decisions and Judgments on Human Rights. The award recognizes Brazilian Judges and courts that have handed down decisions and rulings based on the promotion of human rights and the protection of diversity and vulnerability. For more information, read the Notice and register for the competition.   

Judicial decisions and rulings handed down between February 16th, 2022 and September 16th, 2024 are eligible. Registrations are open until December 19th. The sentencing competition is part of the National Pact of the Judiciary for Human Rights, a series of actions aimed at strengthening the culture of human rights in the judiciary.

The award seeks to encourage the application of conventionality control in judicial decisions, ensuring that they are aligned with the norms and principles established by the American Convention on Human Rights and the jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), which stands out as a benchmark for the interpretation and application of human rights.


Those interested will be able to compete in 16 categories, including: the rights of children and adolescents, the rights of people deprived of their liberty, the rights of women, the rights of the LGBTQIAPN+ people, the rights of people of African descent, the rights of indigenous peoples, among others. The competition is organized by the Unit for Supervision and Monitoring of Decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (UMF/CNJ). 

It is an opportunity to strengthen the culture of human rights in Brazil, encouraging the judiciary to reflect on the importance of incorporating international standards into their decisions. Participation could contribute to a jurisprudence that is more in line with international standards, promoting a judicial system that effectively protects human rights.

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